People discover this sport through the usual channels, either there is an advertisement at their local scuba diving club or local swimming pool or through friends but the last one is the rarest with most people knowing no-one before they joined and making friends with other people that play the sport
Reason 1. Fun
Most people come to their first session because they have never heard of this sport before but really like the sound of what they heard, and they become addicted to it very quickly.
People who want to come to try a new sport usually hear about it through friends, adverts in scuba clubs and swimming pools or university sporting open days.
Reason 2. Fitness
Underwater hockey is the second most aerobic sport in the world, this is because you have to hold your breathe while in active play and not able to breathe through out the game and catch your breathe, you are therefore constantly playing at the level of your breathe and fitness. This is why this is so good at improving your fitness and lung capacity.
This sport is not exclusively for those that are physically fit, it is also for those that are trying to get fit and or lose weight and is great at both losing weight, gaining muscle mass, improving your endurance, increasing lung capacity lowering your resting heart rate. All of which will increase your general fitness.
Reason 3. Recovering from injury
Being an underwater sport, your body is partialy supported so that participants are able to play effectively even if they have a long standing injury, it is particularly good for people with knee or back injuries.
This sport makes rehabilitation much easier on people because by the time people have recovered from their injury, they are much weaker physically and this difference can shock them mentally as well, however playing this sport during the rehabilitation will keep your muscle mass much closer to the amount that you had before the injury ensuring that the rehabilitation will be much easier on you mentally just as much as physically.
It is also important to think that most forms of excercise such as running on a treadmill are not recommended during recovery because of the pressure the excercise can put on your knees and ankles.
Most of the people that have gone through this process keep going with the sport and as their fitness and flexibility increase, they improve greatly as there skill set and speed increase.